Pimp My Church
The Most Exciting Time

Congratulations to Seth Godin

Free_prizeSeth's landmark marketing book, Free Prize Inside, has been listed by Forbes as one of the top ten business books of 2004.

Here's a quote from the article - "Filling out the list is Free Prize Inside! by Seth Godin, who offers a "manifesto" of innovative marketing techniques. Taking his own lesson to heart, the book was sold inside a cereal box, and wound up as the only marketing text to make our list."

You can see the list and vote for the best of the best at this link ==> click here.

if you've appreciated Seth's work like I have (especially if you've downloaded some of his free goodies), let's show how true viral marketing works by spreading the word and voting Free Prize Inside #1.

If you want to order a copy (great Christmas idea) click the link in the left column of this page or click here.

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