The New Dork
Inside Online Video Advertising

Nielsen/Facebook Report: The Value of Social Media Ad Impressions

Ads-w-advocacy Here's an interesting summary of a study conducted jointly by Nielsen and Facebook to determine the effectiveness of different strategies in FB ads.

"Study after study has shown that consumers trust their friends and peers more than anyone else when it comes to making a purchase decision. It’s critical that we understand advertising not just in terms of “paid” media, but also in terms of how “earned” media (advertising that is passed along or shared among to friends and beyond) and social advocacy contribute to campaigns. To that end, we took a closer look at 14 Facebook ad campaigns that incorporated the “Become A Fan” engagement unit and sliced the effectiveness results three different ways, by each of the types of ads available on Facebook: 1) Lift from a standard “Homepage Ad”; 2) Lift from an ad that featured social context or “Homepage ads with Social Context”; and 3) Lift from “Organic Ads,” newsfeed stories that are sent to friends of users who engage with advertising on a brand."

If you're interested in keeping abreast of the latest in online advertising and its effectiveness, you should be intrigued by the results.  I wonder if there are any negative implications for a brand if users are offended by unwanted and intrusive ads on social media platforms such as Facebook?

Read the entire summary here.

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