Nielsen Multi-Screen Media Usage Survey

According to Nielsen’s global survey of multi-screen media usage, watching video content on computers has become just as common as watching video content on television among online consumers.




"While the in-home TV and computer are still the most popular devices to watch video content, usage and growth in online and mobile technologies is making a sustained impact. Three-quarters (74%) of global respondents report watching video via the Internet (on any device), up four points since 2010, and over half of global online consumers (56%) say they watch video on a mobile phone at least once a month and 28 percent at least once a day."


Nielsen Social Media Report

003-2011 Nielsen recently released their latest report on the state of social media.  Here are a few of the highlights:

    •    Social networks and blogs continue to dominate Americans’ time online, now accounting for nearly a quarter of total time spent on the Internet
    •    At over 53 billion total minutes during May 2011, Americans spend more time on Facebook than they do on any other website
    •    Tumblr is an emerging player in social media, nearly tripling its audience from a year ago
    •    Nearly 40 percent of social media users access social media content from their mobile phone
    •    Internet users over the age of 55 are driving the growth of social networking through the Mobile Internet
    •    70 percent of active online adult social networkers shop online, 12 percent more likely than the average adult Internet user
    •    Across a sample of 10 global markets, social networks and blogs are the top online destination in each country, accounting for the majority of time spent online and reaching at least 60 percent of active Internet users

To view the entire report click here.

Content Is Job One

Grill The failure rate on new infomercials is estimated at 90%.  Ergo, only one in ten infomercials are commercial successes. 

Is this low success rate because of bad media?  Poor time slots, overpriced airtime, and the like?  Rarely. 

Almost always it’s the show.  The content.  And that can be anything from a product nobody wants, to a value proposition that fails to motivate, to poor scripting, lousy demonstrations, non-genuine testimonials… 

Somebody has a new mindle.  They love it.  They buy the company that makes the mindle.  Every home in America, no… in the world needs this fantastic product.  The marketing commences.  Wal-Mart won’t return calls.  Dozens of other retail channels yawn.  These idiots just can’t see the vision, the massive appeal this mindle would have with the right exposure.

Traditional channels have failed, so the owner and lover of the mindle decides to bypass all the distribution channels and go straight to the consumer.  After all, look how successful George Foreman was.

So 100 mindle lovers descend on television, and 90 limp away with lighter bank accounts.  It looked so easy when George Foreman did it.

There are several parallels in religious television.  Most people think it is simply about getting the right time slot.  But almost universally it’s primary to get the right content.  Make a program that people want to watch.  Speak to the issues that matter to the listener. 

Don’t assume that the same message that glows in the Sunday morning tribal gathering will wow a broader and largely disinterested television audience. 

Play small ball until you get the content right.  Test. Test. Test.  When you find the resonant combination, then go for more media exposure.

Content first. 

You Need to Stop Dressing Like a College Student

081 These were the words I heard from my first boss about two months west of graduation.  "That is, if you want to be taken seriously," he added. I felt my ears turning red as sweat began to literally drip inside my shirt.

I was a bit embarrassed, but I also knew what he was saying was true and that he cared enough about my career to say what he did.  After nervously clearing my throat, I told him I thought he was right, and that he would quickly see a change.

He knew his remark had cut me a bit, but he also left me with a molecule of his philosophy that I never forgot – “The sting will pass…but the stuff will stick!”

Ron was not only my boss, but also we became friends and I often asked his advice on a wide range of issues, knowing he wouldn’t spare my feelings for the truth.  He died much too young, and I’ve missed him for nearly 20 years now.

But, I haven’t forgotten him or that the real lesson for me that day was about more than clothing.

The Boys of Summer

Last weekend I attended my grandsons' first T-ball game.Tball2

Tball1Pure fun.

About the only rule any kid remembered was to hit the ball and run (sometimes had to be reminded to run).  Mass confusion on defense every time the ball was hit into play.  Coaches and parents all trying to give helpful direction. 

It's a wonderful thing to watch children simply enjoy the fun of the moment.  Didn't matter who won. Nobody even keeping score.  Swing.  Run to first. Scamper to second. Plant a totally unnecessary slide at home, just to get dirty. 

As adults we remembered.  And yearned.

Beware boys of summer, for there lies a road of domestication ahead of you.  Well meaning adults will channel you down a familiar and well-worn way.  A path of rules, conditional acceptance, limited options, and a paucity of fun.  You will be ill equipped to resist unless you somehow cling to that kernel of life your heart discovered somewhere between second and third.

Remember how this feels.  Remember the delight.. the abandonment… the carefreeness of it all.  You may have to play along with the adults for a time, but hold on to your heart.  Don't surrender your winsome spirit, your positive outlook, your childhood dreams.

Don't give up on fun.

Online at 30,000 Feet

Trusty iPad in hand, I decided to try out the on board wifi. As we pass over Arkansas, I'm also looking for aliens or whatever killed all those birds. So far, I give the wifi two thumbs. However, I hope they never allow cell phone use on board (unless they replace oxygen masks with mini cones of silence). These people who talk on their cell phones at the urinals and in the stalls at airports also get to me. Honestly, is anything really THAT important? Gotta go. Need to focus on surveillance for alien craft.

How can I have a more productive year? ~ Hitting the January-May Window

002-2011 Have you noticed the increased drag coefficient on getting things done that hits every holiday season from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day?  There’s a similar slo-mo period from June through August.

Today is exciting, because it launches the longest annual time frame of productive potential, the January-May window.  If you are hoping to increase sales, grow attendance, expand your markets, initiate an innovative idea or two, effect some change… this is your time.  The race starts today.

A lot of what you accomplish this year will depend on how well you sprint these first few furlongs out of the gate.

Fall presents a similar but shorter window running from the day after Labor Day through the Friday before Thanksgiving.  The Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving used to be more productive, but now that entire week through New Years marks a time where progress becomes more difficult as more energy turns toward leisure pursuits and the anticipation of same.

But now, people are mostly back from the holidays.  The kids have returned to school.  There is a faint scent of optimism wafting about. 

A great season for achievers, and near-Nirvana for over-achievers.

It’s a dash to Memorial Day.  Don’t get caught watching the paint dry.

How will this year be different?

001-2011 In many ways, each year is different.  But what we imply when we ask this question is  - Will my circumstances be different (better) at the end of 2011 than at the end of 2010?

Several factors weigh on the answer to that question.  Some out of our control.  Some not.

Most people will wind up in pretty much the same circumstances at the end of this year.   The main reason?  Changing circumstances usually involves changing our behavior and that change has to be preceded by a change in thinking or even a change in believing.

But change is not comfortable.  And most of us will opt for comfort over change.  We are comfortable talking about change…wishing and hoping for change.  When it comes to doing change, we usually opt out or peter out.

We feel the excitement of a “new” start at the beginning of a new year, but in truth, that feeling fades rather quickly as we return to the same ruts of thinking where we have remain comfortably ensconced for years.

Often, what we really want is to “have changed.”  And until we confront this truth about ourselves, we won’t embrace the discomfort that comes from change…even helpful change. 

So, do you want to change?  Or do you want to “have changed”?

My hope and wish for you this new year is not “Good luck,” but rather for “Good choosing.”